Tuesday 8 May 2018

Web Based or Web 2.0 Lesson Plan (15%)

FORM: 4  Zamrud                                         DATE: 8th Mei 2018
LEVEL: Intermediate                                     TIME: 8.30 am – 9.30 am
THEME: People & Values
TOPIC: Learning vocabulary through song (Firework by Katy Perry)

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to use the new knowledge about vocabulary that they have learned to compose a short movie of their own with the words in the song, “Firework”

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.    Use newly acquired words based on the suitable contexts 
2.    Work together in groups to create a mind map of their own movies based on the   
        words that they have learned
3.  Create a visual storie for each group.
LANGUAGE FOCUS: Writing Skill, Speaking Skill, Listening Skill, Vocabulary knowledge

HOTS: Analyse, Apply, Create

EDUCATIONAL EMPHASIS: Critical and creative thinking skills are incorporated to enable learners to analyze information, make decisions, solve problems and express themselves accurately and creatively in the target language

MORAL VALUES: Self-Confidence, Appreciating Life, Teamwork, Enhancement of skills

Intro and Activity 1 –YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1lfYh-aUk0)
                                  Worksheet for the lyrics
Activity 2- Coggle (https://coggle.it/)
                      Worksheet for the movie creation
Activity 3- Storybird (https://storybird.com/)
                   Google (https://www.google.com/)

In the previous lesson, students have learned about the aspects of literary analysis such as theme, characters, plot and many others.

Thornbury, S. (2005). How to teach speaking. Harlow, England: Longman.
Thornbury, S. (2002). How to teach vocabulary. Harlow, England: Longman.
Nesamalar, C., Saratha, S., & Teh, S. C. (2005). ELT methodology: Principles and practice. Shah 
                 Alam: Oxford Fajar.

SET INDUCTION (10 minutes)               
·         The students will be asked about what they usually do whenever they feel down or saw someone feeling down.
·       The students will be introduced to the day’s activity
·         The students will listen to the song chosen by the teacher from YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1lfYh-aUk0)
·         The students will be given a handout of the lyrics to the song with several blank spaces for the stimulation activity.
·         The students will think more critically to justify their reasoning.
·         The students’ interest will be peaked and they will be more focus on the lesson.
·         The students will prepare themselves for the lesson.


ACTIVITY 1 (Discovering words’ meanings)
15 minutes

ACTIVITY 2 (Composing Mind Map)

15 minutes

Example: Movie-à Shoot!
(The movie tells a story about a dog named shoot who loved to shoot/run across the lawn as fast as he can be…and one day…)
*the words will be the movies’ titles

ACTIVITY 3 (Creating posters)
15 minutes

  • The students will be listening to the song for the second time as they fill in the blanks in the worksheet given.
  • The students will be taught the missing words according to the song’s contexts, as they go through the song lyrics together with the teacher.
  •  The students will be divided into pairs or groups and will be assigned one word to each group.
  •  The students will work together to find the meanings and the contexts where they can be used aside from what they have discussed with the teacher.
  • The students will share their findings with the whole class.

·      The students will be divided into small groups of 5 to 6 members and log in to https://coggle.it/ for collaborative learning of making their own movies based on the words they have learned.
·         The group leaders will be asked to create one main mind map each, in their account of their groups’ movies and add other members’ accounts for them to be able to simultaneously edited and comment on the online mind map of their groups. (The instruction)  
·         The students will be assisted by the teacher as they try to complete their task, as each group must also add the teacher. The students will be given an outline for their movie creation in the second worksheet for reference, which will be explained by the teacher.
·    The students will present their movies’ drafts and talk a little about the words being used.
·  The students will be given some feedbacks

·         The students will be instructed to remain in their groups and will be given the instruction for the next activity.

·        The students will open the Stoybird web application (https://storybird.com/read/) where they will create visual stories of their own short movies based on the words to help them further comprehend the words that they have learned.

·         The students will present their works to the class and will be given some feedbacks by the teacher.
·         The students will practice their listening skills and comprehension skills.
·         The students will have the chance to express their thoughts and opinions during the teaching session.
·         The students will need to apply their critical thinking skill to analyze, evaluate and generate answers during the discussion

·         The students will prepare themselves for other group activities.

·         The students can refer to the instruction on the board to proceed with next activity.

·         The students will work together to create a collaborative mind map with the teacher’ supervision.
·         The students get to see the works and thoughts of others, as well as share with their classmates orally whereby they will get to improve their language skills.

·         The students will take note of the feedback given by their peers and teacher.

·         The students will prepare themselves for group activities.

·         The students can refer to the instruction on the board to proceed with next activity.

·         The students will work together to express their creativity and also practice their communicative and language skills

CONCLUSION                         (5 minutes)

·         The students will recall what they have learned.
·         The students will be given a homework before being dismissed.
·       The students will recall their newly acquired knowledge with examples.
·         The students will be given task for enhancement purpose.

FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY:  The students will compose the movie posters creatively, as well as the logo to be used for the invitation cards of the movies’ premier showcase using Canva ((https://www.canva.com/). The students will submit their works by sharing with the teacher’s Canva account.




Activity 1 :
Listen closely to the song and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
You may include any notes in the table provided below.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
_______ thought the wind
Wanting to ______ again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper  _____
Like a ________ of cards
One _______from _____ in

Do you ever feel already buried ________
Six feet under ________
But no one seems to ________ a thing

Do you know that there's still a _____ for you
'Cause there's a _______ in you

You just gotta _______ the light
And let it ________
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July
'Cause baby you're a ________
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you ________ across the sky-y-y
Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors ________
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em fallin' down down down

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're ________, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a ________comes a ________

Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the ________ road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will________
And when it's time, you'll know


Activity 2: Listen to the instruction carefully. Please login to Coggle.com first before the leaders start to add the members and the teachers. Work together to create a mind map for the movies as the discussion goes on. Present your findings to the class briefly and take note of the feedbacks given. Please refer to the movie creation outline provided by the teacher.

Coggle’s Awesome feature: enable others to view and edit the documents (required: to add 3 others account to be able to use this function)

Other Web 2.0 application that can be used with same feature (or almost the same feature):

Here is the D.I.Y Movie Outline worksheet:

1. Word’s meaning
2. The context in relation to Plot
  • ·         Exposition
  • ·         Rising action
  • ·         Climax
  • ·         Falling action
  • ·         Resolution              *Not following the usual Freytag for the plot is acceptable*

3. Genre(s)
4. Characters
·         Major characters
o   Protagonist(s)
o   Antagonist(s)
·         Minor characters
5. Settings
  • ·         Time
  • ·         Place
  • ·         Social

6. Music/Soundtracks

7. Messages/Themes


Activity 3: Login into Canva.com and add your team members. Work together to create a movie poster and an invitation card for your movie premiere. You may also include a collaboration with any magazine that will feature your movie on their cover. You must share your works with the teacher’s Canva account. Present your works to the whole class.


  1. Congratulations to all of the participants of this program. delhi top schools list I bet they learned a lot from the project. This will help me for a school project. Keep the posts coming.


Task 3 Website

This link will bring Internet users to a Wix Website that is currently specialising in Teaching and Learning of Grammar knowledge of the Par...